The Best Laid Plans. . .

It’s funny when you think you’re going to start blogging again and then all hell breaks loose and you don’t blog for 2 months.

When last I posted, a new, distance-learning school year was about to begin.

Since then I’ve withdrawn my youngest son from school because Zoom Kindergarten was a disaster for him and I am now formally homeschooling him until in-person school resumes.

I have no clue what I’m doing.

And we also got a puppy.

Needless to say, my expected “free” time this fall has been greatly diminished, and I’m basically falling asleep at any given moment of the day.

But I have blog posts bubbling on the back burner. One about perception vs. reality when it comes to how to make a knitting pattern succeed, and another about ways designers have been and continue to be exploited within the industry by (many, but not all) publications and yarn companies.

In the meantime, please check out the podcast for the most up-to-date peek at my knitting life, and I’ll resume real blog posts just as soon as I can find the time and energy.

Kristen Jancuk2 Comments