
All MediaPeruana Knits patterns have been edited by a skilled tech editor to ensure that they are straightforward and error free, while including all the details you need to create amazing finished pieces you'll be thrilled to show off to knitters and non-knitters alike.

Patterns are priced to reflect their true value and promote fair compensation for designers. Newsletter subscribers have exclusive access to discount codes designed to ensure financial accessibility!


Test Knitting

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Self-published garment patterns include size designations (XS, S, M, etc. for adults, and 12m, 2y, 4y, etc. for children) as well as finished bust/chest measurements (34", 38", etc.). When possible, patterns also indicate the amount of ease shown on the model or the amount of intended ease. All garment patterns published since 2020 are size inclusive, to fit up to a 64”/162.5 cm bust.

Patterns published by a third party may designate sizing differently, and may or may not provide ease information. As I am not involved in styling and photography for 3rd party publications, I cannot provide information regarding ease shown on models.


If you're having trouble with a pattern, email for pattern support. You can expect a response within 2 business days.
Please do not contact MediaPeruana Knits for pattern support through Instagram, Ravelry or other social media—these messages are often not seen for weeks!
(Note that support does not include the provision of written instructions for charts, online knitting lessons, or assistance with modifications to a pattern.)

Pattern Errata/FAQs

When viewed or printed in black-and-white, the pattern repeat in the Abrigado chart, which is outlined in red bold, isn't visible. When working from the chart, repeat stitches 1-48 3 times (144 stitches total) before working the last 3 stitches, 49-51.

The setup rnd for Size Small should read: Knit, increasing 1 st (65 sts). The chart for Size Small should have the red repeat line after stitch 26. After completing the chart, decrease 1 st before beginning top ribbing.

Ex Nine:
The slipped stitch pattern will cause the socks to appear uneven as they are knit, with the back of the leg longer than the front. This will be remedied with wet blocking, which will loosen up the garter stitch on the front of the leg.