2019: Renew

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Every year, as the calendar changes over, I set a watchword for the months ahead—something that will set the tone for the coming year and inspire both personal and business changes.

2017 was Nourish.

2018 was Balance.

So what’s in store for 2019?


This year, I want to breath new life into my world—into my relationships, my business, and my life in general.

With 2 young kids, it’s easy for things to get a bit stale. Most days are the same: breakfast, school run, chores, school run, dinner, bedtime. There’s not much room for spontaneity—spontaneity with kids is generally the fastest route to a headache and a promise to never do XYZ again! And working from home, it’s perhaps harder to get out and explore regularly, to find fresh ideas and new inspiration.

But regularly renewing the mind, body and spirit is what keeps us going, I think—and keeps our relationships and our work going as well. Unfortunately, it gets harder to do as we get older, it seems—too many responsibilities, and not enough time or energy. We have to consciously create the time and space for renewal, otherwise it won’t happen.

So personally, I’m going to try to learn new things and have new experiences this year, wherever I can find them. I’m going to put renewed energy into personal relationships—actually see my friends, call family, and make my most important relationships more of a priority. I’m going to do more of the self-care things that help me feel refreshed and focused, like yoga and knitting selfish sweaters.

And I’ll be focused on renewing MediaPeruana Designs as well—trying new things, making new connections, discarding the things that don’t work and re-energizing the things that do.

In addition to my yearly watchword, I like to set some concrete goals; my track record on meeting them isn’t the best, but I still like to have something to strive for. So here’s what I hope to accomplish in 2019:

  • Learn to use my sewing machine (finally)

  • Launch a 2nd e-course

  • Knit 3 selfish sweaters

  • Read 25 new books (note to self: yes, re-reading Harry Potter is enjoyable, but enough already)

  • Launch the Hilo & Stitch podcast

  • Submit workshop proposals for 3 fiber events

That seems like plenty to go on for now!

What are your goals and plans for 2019?