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This Week’s Video

New videos on the MediaPeruauna Knits channel every Saturday!
Got an idea for a video or a topic you’d like to see on the podcast? Share it here!


Featured Pattern


MY promise

My ultimate goal is simple: to help knitters create projects they love. We all begin knitting for much the same reason—the desire to create something; something one-of-a-kind, something beautiful, something we're proud to say we made with our own 2 hands and a bunch of string. Let’s work together to make that something AMAZING!


Check out my pattern portfolio


About Me

MY NAME IS kristen

I'm the knitter, instructor, podcaster, and pattern designer behind MediaPeruana Knits.

In addition to being an all-around knitting and yarn enthusiast, I’m also a freelance translator, writer, editor, and mom to two boys, one dog and three cats, living life in the Maryland suburbs of Washington, D.C.

Properly practiced, knitting soothes the troubled spirit, and it doesn’t hurt the untroubled spirit either.
— Elizabeth Zimmermann


what’s new

Maryland Sheep and Wool

The big Maryland wool weekend is almost here! I’ll be attending Yarncentrick on Friday morning and MDSW on Saturday (unless the weather is terrible, in which case, Sunday).

Website Update!

A new, more streamlined website is up and running!

